
Creative Commons License
Subtle Complexities and Myriad Simplicities by Ashok Subramanian P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Beyond the Veil

I tiptoe into my very own heart,
Beating a rhythmic lub-dub,
Reminiscent of a tender being,
That frequents my desirous nightmares,
A black cape over a silky black coat,
Blinds and binds my remnant senses,
Clouds my conviction with smoky fear,
Strange manifestations, my pinings transform,
To a thriving living form,
And curls quite like a feline scarf,
Around the breadth of my icy feet,
Like mink on a coquette neckline,
In my mind, On my lap her I seat,
To caress the epitome of brood,
Trembling fingers over luxurious hide,
Adorned with zeal and lethargy the same,
And assure myself of her fragility,
My end and my means........

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