
Creative Commons License
Subtle Complexities and Myriad Simplicities by Ashok Subramanian P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Sapling

Happy like you, once I was,
Fluttered with the breeze, my heart,
Like your leaves, I let it pass,
The ocean between, my fingers apart,
My hope, the large water-body,
Dried up, unlike perennial rivers,
Which equally nurture, pallid or lardy,
More like the mid-day autumn shivers,
Nullifies life, the comforting verdure,
Strewn across the brown, stolid earth,
A highly tensile sheath of leather,
Unnerved by either death or birth,
The evil in me, it behooves to fathom,
My spring will come, with thy autumn!

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