
Creative Commons License
Subtle Complexities and Myriad Simplicities by Ashok Subramanian P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Poet Once There Was!

Forgive me, Sire! For a mere poet I am,
Animate in the inanimate I see,
The minuscule in the grandest charm,
Attain bliss at the slightest nod,
As nudges my bare skin the breeze,
Stare at the sky, the nameless stars,
As they float the unknown vacuous realm,
With a frown on thy face thy memory scars,
Recollects the name, Thou overwhelm!
And I spirited, and a smile so broad,
Watch the nectar drinking bee,
As it frolics through its floral fate,
Behold! How beautiful the nature mates!

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