I ride on wings of memories, I'm drenched in thy sunshine,
Ah! The vernal, winsome breeze, I travel space and time,
Sweet saccharine of banter, and subdued heartbeats of mine,
Cacophony of laughter, long silences that would chime,
How days would turn into nights, and nights into our days,
We frolicked through the spring, and sought our shelter in
the heat,
And in the mist, oh! How thy eyes would sparkle through the
To cosier confines of my mind, I slowly retreat,
I gingerly dream of us, lest my dreaming in its wake,
Opens my wounds of yore that I would once so fondly nurse,
In every sigh of thine, in every breath that thou wouldst
How I would string my passionate rhymes, my capricious
And fresh as dew, resplendent as the Sun, our final tryst,
Where soul and soul were one, where thou and I so almost